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Tag: Singapore

SUMMARY: What I Did in Singapore & Malaysia

SUMMARY: What I Did in Singapore & Malaysia

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that besides posting all kinds of travel tips and guides I also have my travel diary section where I tell you everything I did and and saw in each country I visited. So even though I have already written a few articles about Singapore and Malaysia, it seems appropriate to also give you the whole breakdown of my travel itinerary for these two countries.

Singapore in Pictures

Singapore in Pictures

Singapore. The super modern, super clean and super expensive city state of Asia. For many travellers also a quick layover while heading to another destination. Whether you only have a few hours or a few days, here are the main things you shouldn’t miss in Singapore. I spent four days in Singapore last year so I’m by no means an expert on the city but I hope you’ll find some inspiration for your Singapore visit here!